Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Advertisers have long known that sex sells

First up I need to say that this campaign is about as NSFW as it gets, so consider yourself duly warned! Advertisers have long known that sex sells. So French clothing company Shai has decided to put that theory to the test by launching their Summer 2006 clothing range as an (explicit) interactive video clothing catalogue.

The Shai Clothing’s Summer 2006 campaign makes extensive use of Flash video and starts off by allowing users to choose their preferred clothing preference (?) - heterosexual, homosexual, or lesbian. The catalogue then uses Flash video to display a couple of models engaged in some very steamy action wearing (or not) certain items of Shai’s Summer 2006 collection. Rolling the cursor over a piece of apparel in the movie stops the onscreen action to reveal a catalogue chart with price and size information.


Turn Your iPod into the Ultimate PowerPoint Accessory
This is the second in my series of posts on various gear that I find useful.
Many readers of this blog work in PR or marketing or for Web 2.0 related start-ups. This means you spend a lot of time preparing presentations in either Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple's Keynote. What's more, you probably also invest hours rehearsing and traveling to and from various meetings. Oh and if I were a betting man I'd say you carry an iPod. Well, whether you are on Windows or Mac with a few simple steps you can turn your iPod (even an older one) into the ultimate PowerPoint accessory. I am going to focus on PowerPoint here since it's what most people use. The process is similar for Keynote.
Getting Your Preso on Your iPod
First, you need to get your PowerPoint presentation on to your iPod. This is a snap. Head on over to ZappTek and download iPresent It. It's now available on both Windows and Mac (It was previously only available for Macs). iPresent It will take any PowerPoint or PDF file and convert it into a series of images that can be viewed as a slideshow on an iPod. It supports file tracking so you can easily update your slideshows whenever you make changes to a presentation. I have been testing the software and it works perfectly. iPresent It runs $17.95. Apple explains how to get these images on your iPod.

Using Your iPod to Rehearse Now that you have your presentation on your iPod you need to rehearse. The iPod has everything you need to rehearse while you're on the go. This works best on either the latest fifth generation iPod or on the iPod Nano (though it's hard to see slide text on the latter). Simply navigate to the Stopwatch feature on your iPod and start the timer. Then, while the timer is still running navigate back to the Photos menu on your iPod, find your slide show and click it. You can run through the slides one by one or even run it as a slideshow complete with slide-to-slide builds. You can even keep music running in the background whhile you rehearse.

Hooking Your iPod Up to a Projector
Last but not least, it's actually possible to connect your iPod to a projector or a TV and run your presentation right off the device. I would test this out on different projectors before flying sans computer. This won't work with the iPod Nano. You also need either the Apple AV Connection Kit or their AV Cable to hook your iPod up to your projector. Presentation Zen (one of my favorite blogs) shows how nicely this works.
That's all there is to turing your iPod into the ultimate PowerPoint accessory.


A Case Study in How Blogs Attract Media Coverage + get more people talking about your product

Here's an awesome example of how a blog done right can help you generate more media coverage, especially around thought leadership. Controversy helps too.Earlier this week economist Nouriel Roubini blogged that the US economy is in for a sharp recession. He predicts it will be bigger than the last one in 2001. This was too tempting for the media to resist.The result? Marketwatch picked up on the blog post and turned it into a story. Other journalists are following his blog too.(Via Reddit.)

Eric Sink has a great post about how to get more people talking about your product. He says: a) find a very small group of people that share common interests and b) build a product that 100% of them will love.Sounds simple enough. However, if you already have a product that you need to promote and it doesn't fit this bill, then you need to get a bit more creative. Think about empowering these individuals to find and connect with each other (and you) so they can maximize the use of the product and contribute to the next iteration.

Monday, August 28, 2006

brands op mystery land

FOTO SHOP Bij de HP Photoprintshop konden bezoekers eigen foto’s vanaf mobile & camera en door HP teams gemaakte foto’s laten printen. Dit vond gretig aftrek niet in de laatste plaats omdat men de foto’s op fotopapier van zware kwaliteit meekreeg. Ondanks de rijen was de afhandeling vlot: inpluggen, overzetten, printen, gaan. Minpunt was dat de stand commercieel gezien zwaar over the top was. Er was, hoe raar het ook klinkt, te veel budget in de stand gestoken waardoor het een wat opdringerige uitstraling kreeg.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Schoolbank en Hyves populairste netwerksites

AMSTERDAM - Zestig procent van de Nederlanders maakt gebruik van een digitaal sociaal netwerk, zo blijkt uit onderzoek van De Telefoongids. Schoolbank.nl is het populairst onder de sociale netwerken, maar liefst twee op de vijf Nederlanders maakt hier gebruik van. Hyves.nl volgt met 17 procent.

Virtual "Firsts" from Second Life

Rohit Bhargava rounds up a bunch of virtual firsts from Second Life.


Five Ways to Be a Better Info Junkie with Topix.net

Five Ways to Be a Better Info Junkie with Topix.net
Although it doesn't get the attention it probably deserves, Topix.net is perhaps one of the world's most useful sites. It is easily one of my favorites. Every PR person and news junkie on the planet should be using Topix.
Unlike Google News and Yahoo News, Topix does more than search news and blogs. It sifts and sorts all of this content into distinct topical pages. In addition, Topix recently added some killer features that make it even more invaluable. You can view a full year's worth of blog and news results and track trends with charts too. Here's a round-up of my favorite tips. (Footnote: Topix was a client of mine in my last gig, but I have no affiliation with them today.)

  • 1) Track the Big Memes of the DayMemeorandum and Tailrank are good tools for tracking the blog issues du jour, but did you know that Topix has its own memetracker? What I like about it is that it's broad and it can be sorted by date, not just by size of story.
  • 2) Deep Dive Within a Single Blog or News SiteTopix tracks a smaller universe of blogs than say Technorati or Google Blog Search. They tend to focus on the larger ones. However, using the site you can create a very narrow search for the terms you care about. Even better, the search will generate a feed. So, if you only care when TechCrunch writes about digg and Netscape, you can create a feed that will deliver only these results. You can also create a similar search within a single news source. For example, here's an index of all Google mentions in the Washington Post over the last year. This search too generates a feed and a chart that you can drill down by date.
  • 3) Get the Local Angle on a StoryAll news is local right? So, naturally, you might want to know how a story is playing out in your neck of the woods. Using Topix's powerful advanced capabilities, you can create a customized local search within a single market. For example, here's all news and blog mentions from Manhattan about the World Trade Center. Or, here's how Iraq is playing out in the Washington, DC area. You can compare it in volume to the coverage in Chicago or Peoria.
  • 4) Track Individual Companies, Celebs or Sports FiguresTopix.net has more than 300,000 category pages. Many of these are invaluable. And remember, each has its own RSS feed. So you can track thousands of companies and celebrities, specific movies (even old ones like Mission Impossible), individual baseball or football players and so much more.
  • 5) Pull it All Together with the Ultimate AdvancedLast but not least you can pull these techniques together to your advantage. Let's say I want to track how the Mel Gibson/anti-semitic story ins playing out in the LA Times. Easy. First, I search Topix to find the Mel Gibson page. I copy the end of the URL (who/mel-gibson). Then I browse over to Topix's advanced search and set up the following search: jews cat:who/mel-gibson url:latimes.com (see screen grab below). The result, yup, my own customized search and RSS feed. You can chart the coverage over time too.

Branded content minder populair

In vergelijking met landen als het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de Verenigde Staten doen Nederlandse adverteerders minder aan branded content...


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Adidas en Toyota uit startblokken in Second Life

Adidas, Toyota en ook PR-bureau Text100, het Amerikaanse Kankerfonds en telecombedrijf Telus openen digitale vestigingen van hun bedrijven in de digitale wereld Second Life (SL). Een gestaag groeiend aantal bedrijven tast af hoe ze om moet gaan met digitale sociaal gedreven omgevingen. Inbreuk op auteurs- en merkrecht begint echter een zorg te worden van onafhankelijke SL-ontwikkelaars.


eDay in Second Life, developers gezocht
Emerce eDay zal uitvoerig aandacht besteden aan Second Life, de virtuele 3D omgeving die snel aan populariteit wint. Second Life-topman...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hugo Boss launches their new eMagazine

featuring some interesting content on a nicely flashed site. By Werbewelt Interactive.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A blog can work for a business

Verzameling artikelen over het nut van bloggen voor ‘corporate’ bedrijven,
A blog can work for a businessMore businesses these days are trying to figure out how -- or whether -- to embrace blogging as a new way to reach customers

Study: Blogging Begets Media Coverage, TrafficAccording to a new study by Porter Novelli and Cymfony 76 percent of corporations that blog have seen a direct spike in Web traffic and related media coverage. Additionally, some 42 percent said at least one post on their blog has affected the company or brand, in most cases in a positive way. The study also found that 63 percent of the companies surveyed said they had to blog because of a perceived

MARKETING: Infiltreren in blogs / Adformatie.nl scoort best in TvM-onderzoekhttp://donewell.blogspot.com/2006/07/marketing-infiltreren-in-blogs.html
DELL blogDell Starts Corporate Blog, But Fails to Address Critical Issues

Drop-offwinkel WePaYou opent 600 afleverpunten

Nederlanders die tweedehands spullen via internet willen verkopen, hoeven amper de deur meer uit noch het internet op. Een nieuw soort...

styleboost.com online !!


Friday, August 11, 2006

Nokia mikt op social network via de mobiele telefoon

Nokia mikt op social network via de mobiele telefoon donderdag 9 juni 2005
Nokia introduceert nieuwe software voor mobiele telefoons waarmee het bedrijf hoopt een social network onder bezitters van mobiele telefoons te creƫeren.
De software heet Nokia Sensor. Het programmaatje maakt gebruik van Bluetooth om de omgeving te scannen. Als iemand in de buurt (maximaal 10 meter verwijderd) ook Nokia Sensor heeft geinstalleerd, kan de gebruiker gegevens opvragen over deze persoon. Die gegevens zijn eerder ingevoerd door de gebruiker en vormen een soort persoonlijk profiel. Het geheel doet een beetje denken aan social community websites zoals Orkut.com en Frienster.
Volgens Nokia is de software bedoeld als "spontane, gezellige toepassing voor spontane, gezellige mensen". Eerder al is er vergelijkbare software op de markt verschenen, maar dan met als doel dating . Het betreft het Franse programma Proxidating, en zorgt ervoor dat de mobiele telefoon continu scant naar andere telefoons met hierop het programmaatje. Als het gevonden profiel voldoet aan de wensen geeft de telefoon bericht dat een geschikte 'date' in de buurt is.
De Nokia Sensor is beschikbaar voor een aantal Nokia-telefoons, zoals de 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682 en 7610.

Third Party Flickr Tools

Check out Third Party Flickr Tools

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

maak je eigen search engines

Maak een searchroll, die door jouw geselecteerde sites zoekt..


Friday, August 04, 2006

De Amsterdamse Bijenkorf tovert een virtuele wereld in haar etalage tevoorschijn

Vrijdag, 04 augustus 2006 - De Amsterdamse Bijenkorf tovert een virtuele wereld in haar etalage tevoorschijn. De campagne ondersteunt tussen 14 en 28 augustus het jeanslabel LEE. Gewone maar 'virtuele' mensen veranderen in superhelden om uiting te geven aan de Lee Makes History-actie van de kledingproducent.
Vier karakters verschijnen in de etalage die cartoonachtig aandoet. Door filmische effecten veranderen de virtuele etalagepoppen in een angstaanjagende Beastman, Spideronic, Flame of Flare Hero. Een Coverup-superheld zorgt voor de komische noot.

CityScape Media leverde de technologie voor deze allereerste virtuele etalage van Europa.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Politie roept hulp MSN in

AMSTERDAM - De Amsterdamse politie gaat MSN gebruiken voor het oplossen van misdrijven en het opsporen van vermiste tieners. Het politiekorps zal het populaire chatprogramma voornamelijk gebruiken om zaken op te lossen die de jeugd aangaan. Dat meldt De Telegraaf dinsdag.

YouTube's Share of Traffic Larger than MySpace

YouTube is looming larger than MySpace, according to Alexa data analyzed by The Guardian. YouTube has a 3.9% share of all Alexa Toolbar users' traffic compared with 3.35% for MySpace. This is a sample that some say is representative of the broader online population. Others disagree. BusinessWeek has some additional stats, including these doozies: the site now accounts for 60% of all videos watched online, 65,000 new videos are uploaded daily and 100 million are viewed.

Adverteren wordt steeds persoonlijker

Hi Steven, Do I have your attention now? I know all about her, you dirty, sneaky, immoral, unfaithful, poorly-endowed slimeball. Everything’s caught on tape. Your (soon-to-be-ex)Wife, Emily p.s. I paid for this billboard from OUR joint bank account. (klik op de afbeelding voor een vergroting) Toeval? Is haar (binnenkort ex-)man eigenaar van een Russisch reclamebureau?

Voor wie de buien wil omzeilen


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Er hangt een man aan de muur

In Rotterdam te zien wat in Amsterdam niet mocht: een bewegende 3D spectacular aan de gevel van een winkelpand op het Binnenwegplein. Op het geveldoek van BlowUp Media is een levensechte straatmuzikant bevestigd die de hele dag muziek speelt. Een idee van Grey voor Nokia, in het kader van de introductie van het nieuwe mobieltje de N3250. De telefoon heeft een geheugenkaart waarop 350 songs kunnen worden opgeslagen.

Grolsch met eigen televisiekanaal (update)

Grolsch start met een televisiekanaal. Het kanaal is te zien via grolschmusic.nl en maakt deel uit van het digitale tv-pakket van Tele2....

AdScreens met interactieve narrowcastingmodule

Het Rotterdamse AdScreens heeft een aantal modules ontwikkeld waarmee winkeliers interactieve componenten toe kunnen voegen aan hun...

What the Crowd Loves and Hates

Philipp Lenssen has come up with a clever way of using Google to analyze what a community loves and hates and he starts by analyzing the digg crowd.Technorati Tags: digg, Google