Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Herdefiniëring van crossmedia

Door Roel Lutkenhaus Op het internet zijn er veel verschillende definities van crossmedia te vinden. Deze definities leggen vaak het accent op het kenmerk dat de gebruiker de overstap van het ene naar het andere medium maakt. Ook wordt er...


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

TECH: Flex Scheduling Framework

The Adobe Consulting team have made available an open-source Scheduling Framework for Flex 2. More than just a calendar component, the Scheduling Framework allows you to create and fully customize any number of Scheduling Components.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

crossmedia - shotcode - barcode - unique ID's

De vervaging tussen de verschillende media’s, hoe een media de ander kan aanjagen..

Shotcode: met één foto heb web op
Rotterdam, 2 okt. Het concept is simpel. Kom je in een tijdschrift, krant of billboard een shotcode tegen dan maak je met een cameratelefoon een foto van deze cirkelvormige barcode. Vervolgens gaat het mobieltje automatisch naar de bijbehorende website.

Pluk.nl een blijvend succes?

Pluk biedt iedereen de mogelijkheid om zich gemakkelijk toegang te verschaffen tot informatie op het internet via de mobiele telefoon. Stel op straat zie je een aanbieding van een last-minute reis met een verwijzing naar meer informatie op internet. Op dat moment kun je niet direct reageren, terwijl je interesse hebt. Door nu simpelweg een zogeheten ‘plukcode’ te sms’en naar 7585 wordt een link naar de informatie over de reis opgeslagen op je persoonlijke plukpagina op internet. Op het moment dat het je uitkomt ga je naar www.pluk.nl en kun je de informatie over de last-minute reis bekijken door te kllikken op de ontvangen link.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Symbiosis of Mainstream and Social Media

Interessant rapport over media !!

The Symbiosis of Mainstream and Social Media
A symbiotic relationship is emerging between mainstream media (such as newspapers and broadcast),
and social media (such as blogs, podcasts, and online social networks). Mainstream media and social
media feed off each other. Blogs provide a vast public forum for discussion of content provided
by major media. Leading blog search engine, Technorati, has enabled every online piece on The
Washington Post, Newsweek and Associated Press newspapers to display the complete blog
discussion about that article, turning an article into a conversation visible to all. At the same time, it
has become common for mainstream media to quote blogs and bloggers, sometimes exclusively,
and the conversations between bloggers often provide the ideas for media stories. Together,
mainstream and social media create a single media landscape in which we can all participate.

Strategic questions:
How can you best draw on social networks for content and ideas?
How can you facilitate social media commenting on and annotating your content?

The consumer/ creator archetype
The history of media has been one of passive consumption. However, today one of the strongest social trends is towards participation.
There are certainly many who are largely content to be “couch potatoes,” consuming the media they are given. Others - particularly
younger people - are keen to create, by establishing blogs or individual spaces on sites like MySpace, or sharing photos or videos online.
Even clicking on a link is a creative act that can impact what other see or don’t see. Yet this is not just about a social divide. Everyone of us is
both a consumer and a creator. Finally today we have been given the power to create for others as well as to consume what we are given.

Strategic questions:
Are consumers or creators more valuable in your business model?
How can you encourage consumers to become creators?


Amazon pioniert weer

Als bol.com morgen Paul de Leeuw inlijft, moeten we niet raar opkijken. De schreeuw van de Leeuw heeft Hilversum of Luxemburg helemaal niet nodig om aan zijn kijkcijfers en salaris te komen. Terwijl hij straks lekker binnenloopt en zijn showtjes draait, kunt u ondertussen eenvoudig advertenties zappen en boeken bestellen. Via bol.com natuurlijk.Amazon heeft net iets soortgelijks gedaan. Het bedrijf ...


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Crossmedia als containerbegrip belangrijk voor grafische branche

De grafische branche mist een belangrijke kans als zij zich niet zien als onderdeel van de crossmedia beweging. Hoe intens of hoe tijdelijk deze beweging dan ook mag zijn, media staan niet meer op zichzelf

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Philips zet in op interactieve media

Sluit helemaal aan bij de rondvraag in Adformatie van deze week. Philips kondigt aan in het laatste kwartaal de communicatieactiviteiten flink te gaan opvoeren. En zal daarbij een aanzienlijk deel inzetten op interactieve media. Onderdeel van de plannen zijn microsites, onlinediscussies, programma’s met Philips-producten en experimentele marketingactiviteiten die door lokale teams worden ontwikkeld. Dat bericht staat vandaag in Adformatie. In Engeland resulteerde dit in de introductie van Livesimplicity.net, een website voor ‘user generated innovation’ waar consumenten kunnen meepraten over ontwikkelingen rond sense and simplicity.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

over google

And we work for Google in terms of the programmable web:
As Google reaches for a billion dimes, it is fostering an industry of a billion little businesses and developers…And by opening up select bit of these programs to outside software developers, Google Chief Schmidt thinks he can create a monster new computer industry, with Google at its core. “The number one goal is to build the most powerful platform to build these new businesses,” Schmidt says. “This area will be as rich as what we saw in PCs.”‘
Towards the last third of the story Quentin looks at APIs and mashups:
To many in the business, mashups are still a Hula Hoop, a game for kids. Not to Google’s Mark Lucovsky, who wrote much of Microsoft’s computer server software before leaving last year. Microsoft was sad to see him go. Lucovsky testified in court that, during his exit interview with Steven Ballmer, the Microsoft chief executive threw a chair across his office, vowing to “bury” Schmidt.Lucovsky’s main job at Google is to spur growth in mashups. At least 30,000 sites use Google Maps, using the programming hooks provided by Google. This, he says, is “hard-core real-time software development that no one has seen before.”


Say Cheese: Your brand in the picture

Zodra u besluit om aan uw merk of dienst een evenement te koppelen, heeft u daarmee een sterk medium in handen om direct met uw doelgroep in contact te treden. Nog mooier is het als u daarmee ook in contact kan blijven. Fotomarketing van Say Cheese is hét instrument waarmee u het contact met uw doelgroep ook na afloop van een evenement kunt voortzetten.


What I Learned About Apollo at FiTC Hollywood

Last week’s presentation about Apollo by Mike Chambers at FiTC Hollywood contained the most detailed information on the project that I have seen yet. I managed to capture photos of most of the slide he showed, and posted them to flickr, but haven’t gone through and explained what many of them actually mean. So I’ll [...]

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Day the Entire World Gets RSS

According to published reports, Microsoft tomorrow is going to push out the Internet Explorer 7 upgrade to all Windows users via a required update. Whether it hits tomorrow or later this month, as promised, the day Internet Explorer ships is a huge day for RSS. Forget YouTube and Google, this is a major story. (Microsoft is an Edelman client but I have zero knowledge about the IE launch.)The Internet Explorer upgrade includes an integrated feed reader. Yes, for many of us this is old news. We have been reading feeds for months or even years. However, do no under estimate the impact of millions of desktops worldwide getting not only a new browser, but a magical little orange button. Not everyone will click on it, but those who are curious will and then the fun starts.As more people around the world start reading RSS feeds, big things will happen. It will force everyone to begin to integrating feed communication initiatives in their marketing and PR programs. News and blog posts are just the beginning. Couponing and all kinds of other communiques will go into feeds, as well ads and more. That little orange button might look small, but boy is it big.

TECH: JQuery Ajax Library Updated

The JQuery Ajax library has been updated to v1.0.2 as of this evening. JQuery is a small, lightweight Ajax and DOM manipulation library that provides a wealth of features for building RIAs and enhancing your site with Web 2.0 functionality. You can find the updates here: Uncompressed JQuery v1.0.2 Compressed JQuery v1.0.2 Here's what John Resig, creator of JQuery, had to say about the release:

Over Hyves in het onderwijs

Zelf zet ik inmiddels al twee jaar weblogs in voor het onderwijs en sinds dit jaar is daar Hyves bijgekomen. Aanleiding voor het gebruik van Hyves is de gedachte dat social networks en - Hyves in het bijzonder - passen in de belevingswereld van de jonge student. Van tevoren bleek dat 95% van de deelnemers aan mijn cursus reeds op Hyves actief was. Het voorstel dit platform te integreren in de leermodule werd dan ook postief ontvangen.


Generation Next - voor studenten en young professionals die vanuit hun studie en/of werk actief bezig zijn met nieuwe media

Generation Next is de vereniging voor studenten en young professionals die vanuit hun studie en/of werk actief bezig zijn met nieuwe media. Het doel van Generation Next is om het niveau van kennis op het gebied van interactieve media bij studenten en young professionals te verhogen. Een belangrijk onderdeel om dit te bereiken is om een brug te slaan tussen de studenten en young professionals en de bedrijven die actief zijn binnen de interactieve media sector. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld een stage, afstudeeropdracht of startersfunctie zijn, maar ook via workshops, gastcolleges en themasessies.


Monday, October 09, 2006

Broadcast Photos To Cable TV

We’ve been tracking SimpleStar’s PhotoShow since Brian Ascher, a general partner at Venrock Associates, mentioned them in passing over lunch a couple of months ago. The hook? He said “Imagine if you could watch your friends’ Flickr pictures or YouTube videos on a dedicated cable television channel.” No need to get your grandmother online. Just point her to channel 917 and she can see your most recent vacation pictures right there on her television.
Photoshow’s core offering is an online slide-show service. Users can create a slide show, adding photos, video clips, templates, music, transitions, captions and effects. I created a test slide show in a couple of minutes. It’s free, and registration is not required to create a slide show.
These shows can then be embedded into MySpace or any other website, or a link to the show can be sent from the service. Photoshow also allows users to buy a dvd version of the show. As far as basic tools to create slide show memories of vacations and other events, PhotoShow is top notch.
And then there is the broadcast-to-tv feature.
It’s currently available only to Time Warner cable subscribers in Hawaii. On October 18 the company will have an official launch party and announce expanded coverage of the service. Once it’s live, users can click a button and, once approved, add it to a local cable channel. This channel is menu driven - when viewers go to the site they can scroll through various topical categories and find slide shows that people have published to the channel. There’s no privacy for these shows, but the convenience factor for sharing these with people who want to view them on television is innovative. If Photoshow is successful in closing deals with local cable channels, this differentiating factor with competitors could make it a winner.
The company has raised $6.3 million from Venrock in August 2005. The company, which also sells a desktop version of the PhotoShow software, presented at DEMO two weeks ago (the video of the demo is available here). See Dan Farber’s recent coverage of the company as well.
Crunch Network: MobileCrunch Mobile Gadgets and Applications, Delivered Daily.

Sociale netwerken trekken steeds 'ouder' publiek

Sociale netwerken trekken een steeds minder jong publiek. De helft van de bezoekers van MySpace is ondertussen ouder dan 35 jaar. Hoewel...

Mit Sketching


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Nieuw advertentienetwerk voor bloggers

Het advertentienetwerk AdMatch.nl tracht de bemiddelende schakel te worden tussen bloggers en adverteerders. Voor het einde van de maand...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Photosynthtakes a large collection of photos of a place or object, analyzes them for similarities,and displays them in a reconstructed 3-Dimensional space. With Photosynth you can: walk or fly through a scene to see photos from any angle; seamlessly zoom in or out of a photograph

How to Add Google Widgets to Your Blog

Google just released a new set of widgets that make it easy to integrate their in-line AJAX search tools into your Web site. Among the notable applications are instructions and a demo for TypePad blogs and another for Blogger weblogs. You can also roll these onto an intranet or your Google Personalized Home Page as well. More info here. Meanwhile, Google also made it a snap to add hundreds of home page gadgets to your social network page, blog or Web site.


Hack Day at Yahoo

Sounds like everyone had a great time at Yahoo!’s Hack Day. About 400 people spent 24 hours on the Yahoo! campus of not just hacking (as expected), but also an unannounced 90 minute performance from Beck. According to emcee Mike Arrington there were over 50 projects in the hacking competition and the winner was Blogging in Motion, a hardware-and-software mashup using a camera, a handbag, a pedometer, and the Flickr API in order to automatically blog photos every few steps.

Oh yes, and Yahoo! release two new APIs and announced a third:Browser Based Authentication or BBAuth: which is as they describe “a generic mechanism that will allow users to grant 3rd party web-based applications access their Yahoo! data…it possible to use Yahoo! as a single sign-on for your site, thus removing a barrier to entry for a whole lot of people (over 200 million to be exact).” Looks like a very useful service, somewhat similar to Google’s released earlier this year. More from Jeremy Zawodny and Dan TheurerYahoo! Photos API: This new API uses the “Enables Yahoo! users to access and manipulate their photos through third-party applications and devices. They can use Yahoo! Photos Web Services to upload photos, create and modify photos and albums, share photos with others, search photos, and more.” And it builds on the BBauth services above.Yahoo! Mail API: Announced but not yet released. Should be interesting.Congratulations to Chad and the folks from Yahoo!’s dev team on putting together an excellent event and to continuing to roll-out more useful APIs.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

KLM start meerdere business communities

KLM is bezig met de uitrol van business communities. Na de oprichting van Club China in juni, volgen nu Club Golf en Club Afrika. De...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Machinima is pas echt Cross Media

Het woord Machinima is ontstaan uit de woorden Machine en Cinema. De definitie luidt: “Animated filmmaking using 3D videogame technology”. Ofwel films produceren met behulp van games.

De afgelopen week stond op het prima evenement Picnic cross media centraal. Het hoogtepunt lag voor mij op vrijdagavond. De zakelijke kant van het evenement was al afgelopen. Samen met Jeroen Mirck bezocht ik Machinima Salon. Waar commercieel creatief Nederland wanhopig op zoek is naar de “heilige crossmediagraal”, lieten jonge mensen zien hoe je echt crossmediaal moet zijn. In een kleine zaaltje kwamen games, film, internet en muziek samen.

Spunk.nl start met internetjournaal

AMSTERDAM - Het online jongerenmagazine Spunk (www.spunk.nl) is maandag begonnen met een soort journaal op internet waarin internetfilmpjes de revue passeren.

Controversial PayPerPost Raises $3 million

We first covered PayPerPost when it launched three months ago.The service is a marketplace for advertisers to pay bloggers to write about products for a fee. Commenters to our original post wee polarized into those violently for and those againt the product. The key area of controversy is the fact that advertisers can mandate that posts be positive on the product, and disclosure of payment is optional for the blogger (screen shot at end of post shows sample available writing opportunities).The controversy didn’t stop venture capitalists from quickly jumping on board, though. On Tuesday PayPerPost will announce a $3 million round of financing led by Inflexion Partners and with participation from Villiage Ventures and Draper Fisher Jurvetson. Dan Rua from Inflexion and Michael Barach from Villiage Ventures will take board seats. Josh Stein from Draper Fisher Jurvetson will become a board observer.Rob Hof from BusinessWeek and I spoke to founder Ted Murphy and DFJ’s Josh Stein earlier today about the financing and the product in general. The conversation is available as a podcast at TalkCrunch, here. Rob’s post on the news tonight is here.Ted says his business is doing quite well in spite of (or possibly due to) all of the controversy raised by paying off bloggers to write about certain products. And Josh Stein at DFJ seems excited about the potential profitability of the company while downplaying the ethical issues raised by this and other blogs - the market will sort things out, he says. Some back of the envelope calculations based on numbers Ted disclosed in the podcast suggest that revenues after the first few months of operations have topped $100,000.Crunch Network: CrunchGear drool over the sexiest new gadgets and hardware.PayPerPostTags: techcrunch, web2.0, web_2.0

How to Create a "Blog Feeder"

One of the questions I am often asked is "How do you find content to blog about?" The answer is easy, I use my Blog Feeder. If you blog often I highly recommend setting one of these up as a tab on a personalized home page. Mine sits on Google, but you can easily use Windows Live, Netvibes or a host of other similar services. I recommend using a start page as a Blog Feeder over a traditional RSS reader like Bloglines since you may not want to see every item in the feed. These feeds tend to be massive in volume.
The first step is to determine what newsy topics you want to track. In my case, it's a snap. I blog about social networks, social media, Wikipedia and more. I set up a bunch of searches on Google News for these topics using the "OR" value (e.g. digg OR youtube, etc.) Each search generates a feed, which I have added to a special tabbed section of my Google Personalized Home Page.
Next up, head on over to Technorati's Discover section. Here you will find mini meme trackers across dozens of subjects such as music, television, tech, politics and more. Each section has an RSS feed. Grab that and add it to your Blog Feeder.
Last but not least, add some other sites like digg and/or diggdotus and relvant Topix.net feeds (each topic page has a feed link). That's all there is to it. Here's the result...

Social shopping

Social shopping: Crowdstorm and ThisNext have entered the collaborative shopping arena. Both let consumers curate, recommend and create buzz for desirable products. Listmaniameets shopping.www.springwise.com/weekly/2006-09-29.htm#shopping