Tuesday, January 16, 2007

State Designpattern in games, what else do we have for games ..

So I have come over this great post at http://www.bigroom.co.uk/blog/finite-state-machines-for-ai-in-actionscript/ about states in games. I did know the state pattern from the GOF book and an Adobe tutorial ( http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashmediaserver/articles/video_state_machine_as3.html )
But have never used it in real live world stuff I am working on.. And design patterns come flying by a lot .. Also never thought of implementing it in video games, thinking of the great OS libraries which are surfacing know along with these kind of patterns, building a video game in flash is getting more in my reach ,Yeah, I like building with existing blocks to form new stuff :> . So what building blocks do we have, and how am i going to fill my weekend..

Sandy AS2 http://www.flashsandy.org/
Papervision AS3 http://www.osflash.org/papervision3d

physix engines

Library for Scrolling games..

Very good/ long tutorial over tile based games

Anybody know more good resources or even better games libraries for flash please share them :>

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