Monday, December 24, 2007

waving strokes in PV3D

Some examples of sinus waves on the vertices of a plane..

simple sinus wave... - as
random random waves - as
sound waves - as

Sunday, September 23, 2007


1. The online user is spoiled

He decides where, when and at what time he looks and interacts with online media. When he is bored he will just move on to the next online experience. We will take a closer look at some successful online campaigns and show you how to get the attention of the consumer and how to keep it


•Geisoleerde informatie
•Eenzijdige communicatie
§ afzender communiceert, toeschouwer ontvangt
§ weinig interactiviteit

WEB 2.0
•De verschuiving van websites als geïsoleerde informatie eilanden naar open bronnen van informatie en functionaliteit.
•User generated content

•Linked in – zakelijk
•Hyves – jongeren/ plezier
•Musiqlub – video - online mtv/ tmf
•The PICNIC network now has close to 7000 profiles, and allows you to search for like-minded delegates. Don’t forget to update your own profile. You can choose yourself if you want your contact details to be available to others. Vertel eens welke jullie gebruiken


•Automatisch ontstaan van network & niches door hyperlinking ..
•Nieuwe blogs lezen, naar linken van eigen blogs en reageren op..
•Ontstaan niches.


•Traditionele reclame Broadcast naar iedereeneenzijdingbanners ??
•Nieuwe reclame In de niche – interactief - betrokkenheid


§Redactioneel : persberichten naar offline/ online media
§Commercieel : non spot (alsof redactioneel) , bannering
§Viraal : seeding.. (secret agent)


•de content heeft zowel redactionele (editorial) als reclame (advertising) kenmerken heeft.
•De content gaat werken als reclame, het is de content zelf die waarde toevoegt voor de eindgebruiker.


•In de niches heeft de blogger bepaalde geloofwaardigheid bij zijn lezers.
•Lokale krant
•Radiostations met uitzendingen

•Belangrijk om in het begin meteen een boom te hebben. En die mensen vast te houden, een actie draait maar 10 dagen. Dus in het begin meteen heel veel mensen.
•Goed inplannen promotie, alles in een keer. Vooral crossmediaal offline en online media versterken elkaar
•Dan krijg je als het goed is het Vliegwiel/ sneeuwbal effect

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Severe memory issues in flash with JPG sequences

So when doing a new (first) project for Heineken (for my company QI) we run in a big issue with flash and the carbage collector. It seems when you have a JPG sequence on stage the JPG's stays in memory even when attached and removed out of the library. We used a jpeg sequence instead of fullscreen video because JPEG tends to have smoother playback for our 3D animations.

But think 100 jpeg images of 1014 x 690 resolution. Flash needs 3MB to show one frame. So after about 100 jpeg's flash needed 300MB virtual memory, this memory never got freed by the carbage collector .. So the slower computer with not that much RAM would suffocate.

After doing some tests, it seems when loading an external SWF in a mc (with a linked sequence in library). And after loading, attaching the linked sequence in that mc. The MC can be removed and memory gets freed.

For now we have cutted the sequence in different parts, so after playing a part it can unloaded.

  • We have for example 3 sequences in library in a single SWF called sequence.swf.
  • we create 3 container MC's where we load in the same SWF (cache :>)
  • we start the seqeunce and attach in container1 > sequence1 after playing the first sequence we remove container1 and attach sequence2 in container 2.
  • and so on..

This heavely relies on cache and is a not so nice solution so ANYONE got a better one I would love to hear it.


Friday, January 19, 2007

flashy sites

Some 'flashy' sites I have found/ seen recently..
- checkout pictaps, digital toys 1 ( really amazing stuff)
- mac GUI ??

API's to powerfull to be free

Discussing the dapper API ( see my previous post) with some colleague's at work we are wondering if we can use this in real live commercial projects, even if we can use any API in real live projects. This question became even more clear when GOOGLE changed it’s API ‘s from SOAP to Ajax.

When you don’t have to pay for an API or it is from a small company, the life-span can be insecure. Can you build you own commercial service on that kind of base, I think not. So in this light I would rather buy an API from a well-established company then from a small startup. API’s are to power full to be free.

That's why I like Mashery . Their service is designed to provide an out-the-box hosted solution provisioning and managing API's. This includes a lot of the often under-appreciated details that make providing an API actually deliver results such as developer community tools — forums, dev blog and news, wikis, documentation, etc — as well as infrastructure tools for API metering, developer key management, and metrics.

DAPPER API ,create any datasource from any HTML page

Dapper is a company that’s either glorifying screen scraping or leading the charge towards data portability, depending on your perspective. I like it a lot. While the interface is a little bit clunky, the idea of overlaying HTML pages and grabbing data is fairly powerful ...

dapper - amsterdam news

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

JOOST, from the founders of KAZAA and SKYPE

Joost™ is a new way of watching TV on the internet, which uses new and established technologies to provide the best of both the internet and TV worlds. We're in the process of making it as TV-like as we can, with programmes, channels and adverts. You can also see some things that we think will enhance the TV experience: searching for programmes and channels, for example, as well as social features like chat. There are many more new features to come!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

State Designpattern in games, what else do we have for games ..

So I have come over this great post at about states in games. I did know the state pattern from the GOF book and an Adobe tutorial ( )
But have never used it in real live world stuff I am working on.. And design patterns come flying by a lot .. Also never thought of implementing it in video games, thinking of the great OS libraries which are surfacing know along with these kind of patterns, building a video game in flash is getting more in my reach ,Yeah, I like building with existing blocks to form new stuff :> . So what building blocks do we have, and how am i going to fill my weekend..

Sandy AS2
Papervision AS3

physix engines

Library for Scrolling games..

Very good/ long tutorial over tile based games

Anybody know more good resources or even better games libraries for flash please share them :>

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Multi-Touch Interface for iPhone pioneerred bij Jeff Han

When I saw the Quicktime demo's of the iPhone on the Apple website it reminded me of a demo I saw from Jeff Kan about 'Multi-Touch Interaction Research. '

The demo really blowed me away and it is a really cool thing seeing that new ways of interacting with machines :> are emerging in commercial products. (Wii, iPhone )

I am really curious about other commercial examples.. So if you got them, please leave them

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sandy 3D fly through application

This is the first try-out of building a 3D fly through application.... You can set up a bezier-path in a 2D space, add some blocks and fly through it in 3D space.

For now you just can add bezier curves and blocks, the goal is to draw any camera path you want , let the camera rotate while moving over the path, add planes with pictures on it.. and fly through your 3D slideshow :>

ATT: a little bug you have to drag the grey points to see the camera path