Wednesday, December 20, 2006
quicky post ... new book/ new job/ new house ..
Also bought a new place in Amsterdam, and both start 1 februari.. yeehaaa.. ok further more books I need reading before starting see below
the flex cookbook.. online a simple Problem/Solution/Explanation format
books AS3
Essential Adobe Flex 2: Training from the Source
Advanced ActionScript 3 with Design Patterns
Essential Actionscript 3.0: Rough Cuts Version
Actionscript 3.0 Pocket Reference
Programming Flex 2: Rough Cuts Version
The Complete Guide to Flex 2 with ActionScript 3.0
Foundation Actionscript 3.0 Animation: Making Things Move
Foundation Actionscript 3.0 With Flash X and Flex 2
Professional Flex 2
Developing Rich Clients with Macromedia Flex?
Monday, December 18, 2006
Real live user interaction, physics engines for flash ..
Well just to add some more really interesting developments for Flash and gaming/ 3D environments.. the physics engine.. let objects react to each other like in the real world.
Even for better user experience we can use these kinds of engine for snap to grid functionality, more elastic dragging / sliding .. well the possibilities are enormous . Thanks to Ralph for the fisix link
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Camera Fly through with Sandy
So after playing with sandy some more, I had this idea of a camera flythrough .. In sandy it's rather simple..
Only run into a sandy bug that when 1. the camera moves over 0,0,0 // or 2. past some objects which scale to large .. the objects come back in reverse :<
Posted a question on the tech forum and got a reaction the same day about the bug being fixed in the next days. Talk about quick response :>
Wouldn't it be grate to have an app which puts objects (foto's ??) in space and makes camera path's, where the camera moves over the path and looks at things along the path .. mmmm, maybe i will give this a try :>
Keep you posted ...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
3D in flash, Sandy AS2 VS Papervision AS3
Offcourse the sandy site is a good starting point , also found a really nice tutorial by petit labs
So here is my first go: a box with an Texture skin that I copied, rotated, translated ..
Wait and see what's next :>
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Flex Cairngorm:filtering data with the comparator class..
I took this class and implemented it with a (simple) extension in my Flickr/Flex playground app (FlickrFolio) .
view application
view source
It consist roughly of 2 parts:
1. registering the items which you want to filter
2. registering the filters which you want to use.
Most important Classes:
// used to acces the comparator class
// the comparator class and the interface;;
// VIEW :: the product to filter..
// the filter-view
// the command which executes the filtering
1. registering the items which you want to filter
My FlickrFolio request the most recent photos and fills an ItemList. The itemlist displays the thumbnails with a custom ItemRenderer called Thumbnail.mxml.
So FLickr returns for every photo a valueobject (called Photo) which is binded to the Thumbnail.mxml. In every Thumbnail the actual thumbnail-image is loaded. WHen the image is loaded, the thumbnail registers it's data (id, title) and image to the comparator- class.
(ATT: better to cast the flickr Photo value-object to my PhotoVO value-object but could not get that to work, YET)
You register the data so you can filter on properties of that data. The data (or ValueObject) needs to implement the comparable interface, this interface has only one method, (get identifier) which the comparator class needs to get a unique identifier.
Registering the image (or sprite) let's you perform actions (showing/ hiding/ moving etc). on that image after a filter action.
2. registering the filters which you want to use.
OK, so now it's time to do some filtering, the filterView has now one simple filter. A textinput which you can use to filter on the title of a photo. The original Cairngorm shop example used a slider to filter between max - min prices and filter on different categories.
WHen you type in a letter the filterPhotoEvent gets fired which gets caught bij the FilterPhotoCommand this is where the real stuff happens. Here you first register what type of filter you want to use so:
addFilterTextProperty( filterOn, value )
here we want to filter on a String property named filterOn (=title) which has a value of (-value)
other filter properties are:
addFilterRangeProperty ( filterProperty : String, min : Number, max : Number) here you can filter on a range, so for example 'property-name:price' between min:1 and max :5
addFilterSelectionProperty( filterProperty : String, selections : Array )
here you filter on multible selections, you have selected in the group 'category' the selections ['large',' small'] . This can be used if you use checkboxes to filter on.
Here you do the filter action, it loops to the registered items and tags filtered or not..
perform an action on all the items which are tagged filtered .. So show the filtered and hide the not filtered.
It is really easy to extend the filters and I like to explore filtering on color or shapes :> Anyone has some experience in that field??
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
How about some Flex remoting (AMF 3) - Flex, ARP, Cairgcorm
Thursday, November 23, 2006
create new modules from any data source for placement in the popular start page
Amsterdam actueel nieuws
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
FLASH :: Adobe Open Sources ActionScript Media Gallery Code
Actionscript 3 - FZip
FLASH:: SEO for SWFAddress
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
FLEX:: How to load FlashPaper Documents in Flex 2
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Media in beeld
Uit het onderzoek, komen volgens de bank drie duidelijke trends naar voren:
Media any time, any place, any where. De consument bepaalt waar en wanneer hij consumeert. De consument wordt steeds actiever door toenemende interactieve toepassingen op televisie en internet, bijvoorbeeld zelf gemaakt videomateriaal dat op internet worden geplaatst. Grenzen tussen media en sectoren vervagen: media groeien qua functionaliteit naar elkaar toe.Persoonlijk vind ik deze informatie achterhaalt, ik dacht er namelijk al zo'n 1,5 jaar geleden zo over... 'Ben ik dan te vroeg of ABN te laat' vraag ik me dan af. Maar goed, het is wel een ideaal bekopte weergave over hoe de mediawereld er vandaag de dag eruit ziet. (En voor de Nederlanders; het is gratis!)
Monday, November 13, 2006
The Long Tail, the Long Term and Your Blog
A lot of people starting blogs today are looking for quick results. The definition of "results" really depends on what your motivation is. In this case, I am talking about using a blog as a business tool for marketing and public relations.
Sometimes, this occurs. For example, Neil Patel's Pronet Advertising Blog has fast become one of my favorite reads. It's new, but it's clear from the myriad of daily invaluable posts and his sustained presence on digg, Neil gets it. However, more often than not, if you're starting a business blog, just as with stocks, you're best off taking a Long Tail and a long term approach.
Blogs are built to capitalize on the power of the Long Tail. First, you need to focus your blog on the segment of the conversation you care passionately about - and stick to it. If your blog gets 100 regular readers a day and it's the "right" 100, then it's a success. The key is to add value to that dialogue. Find online gems that this audience is likely to miss and share your perspective. Write compelling op-eds and tutorials.
Second, and here's where the long-term approach factors in, be patient and blog for search. An executive for one of the biggest blog companies on the Web once told me that it takes a year for a blog to build substantial Google juice. Judging from what I've seen from the various projects I've worked on, he's right.
Blogging for search starts with a good statistics program, like Google Analytics. Start tracking where your traffic comes from. The Google Analytics blog has a great set of tips today just for bloggers. These include:
Finding out what posts readers liked the most by looking at daily visitsComparing new vs. returning visitors Finding out how people exit your blogMonitoring how long readers spend looking at your content
Friday, November 10, 2006
corporate bloggen >>
Externe communicatie
- Directie of management om te communiceren met klanten
- Voor medewerkers om te communiceren met klanten
- Versterken imago/ corporate identity
- Transparante organisatie
- Consumenten op de hoogte houden van nieuwe produkten of diensten
Interne communicatie
- als kennismanagement tool binnen het intranet
- Dialoog tussen verschillende hiërarchische lagen: betrokkenheid
- Delen van Relevante informatie
- met een blog kun je op moderne, effectieve en efficiënte wijze intern en/of extern communiceren
- een blog biedt de mogelijkheid om de doelgerichte dialoog aan te gaan met doelgroepen
- Is een middel voor het opbouwen en versterken van de corporate identity
- Een blog kan ook ingezet worden voor intern kennismanagement
Reclamebureaus boos over wildplakkend freelance collectief
Hacken is ook al een manier om publiciteit te krijgen. De een gebruikt het als een goedkoop trucje om wat rumour around the brand te creeren. Door te doen alsof de eigen thuispagina is gekaapt. Niet erg origineel, wel effectief (gemeten in aantal reacties). De ander gaat een stap verder en kaapt brutaal de thuispagina van een stuk of wat grote reclamejongens. Reacties verzekerd. Het freelancecollectief van deed dit met de sites van Ara Direct, Saatchi
Monday, November 06, 2006
Mashery API Management Service is Open For Business
Mashery is aimed at companies that already recognize the importance of APIs and developer community but want to save money and time by paying some one else to set up the support infrastructure and do it right. It has a different feel to it than StrikeIron, visiting the two company’s sites will make some differences quickly apparent.
Thankfully, Mashery emphasizes throughout their site that users own all of their own data and can easily export it at any time. That data is stored and processed with Amazon’s S3 storage and EC2 elastic compute cloud. Thus scaling up quickly and affordably will always be an option for Mashery. This is a striking example of the kind of company commoditized storage and processing in the cloud make possible.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
retail > branding >Zo ziet de Postbank Winkel in Nijmegen eruit
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
scrybe - offers simple solutions for age old problems
- offline
- online
- saving online data directly-
- agenda/ organizing-
Running your sites like you'd run a pub
Now you should really get to know what makes a pub popular. It matters because what makes things popular doesn’t really different between the online and the offline world. It’s all about creating a buzz, making people talk about you (or link to you, the online equivalent) and making them feel something is happening that they shouldn’t miss.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Herdefiniëring van crossmedia
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
TECH: Flex Scheduling Framework
Thursday, October 19, 2006
crossmedia - shotcode - barcode - unique ID's
Shotcode: met één foto heb web op
Rotterdam, 2 okt. Het concept is simpel. Kom je in een tijdschrift, krant of billboard een shotcode tegen dan maak je met een cameratelefoon een foto van deze cirkelvormige barcode. Vervolgens gaat het mobieltje automatisch naar de bijbehorende website. een blijvend succes?
Pluk biedt iedereen de mogelijkheid om zich gemakkelijk toegang te verschaffen tot informatie op het internet via de mobiele telefoon. Stel op straat zie je een aanbieding van een last-minute reis met een verwijzing naar meer informatie op internet. Op dat moment kun je niet direct reageren, terwijl je interesse hebt. Door nu simpelweg een zogeheten ‘plukcode’ te sms’en naar 7585 wordt een link naar de informatie over de reis opgeslagen op je persoonlijke plukpagina op internet. Op het moment dat het je uitkomt ga je naar en kun je de informatie over de last-minute reis bekijken door te kllikken op de ontvangen link.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The Symbiosis of Mainstream and Social Media
The Symbiosis of Mainstream and Social Media
A symbiotic relationship is emerging between mainstream media (such as newspapers and broadcast),
and social media (such as blogs, podcasts, and online social networks). Mainstream media and social
media feed off each other. Blogs provide a vast public forum for discussion of content provided
by major media. Leading blog search engine, Technorati, has enabled every online piece on The
Washington Post, Newsweek and Associated Press newspapers to display the complete blog
discussion about that article, turning an article into a conversation visible to all. At the same time, it
has become common for mainstream media to quote blogs and bloggers, sometimes exclusively,
and the conversations between bloggers often provide the ideas for media stories. Together,
mainstream and social media create a single media landscape in which we can all participate.
Strategic questions:
How can you best draw on social networks for content and ideas?
How can you facilitate social media commenting on and annotating your content?
The consumer/ creator archetype
The history of media has been one of passive consumption. However, today one of the strongest social trends is towards participation.
There are certainly many who are largely content to be “couch potatoes,” consuming the media they are given. Others - particularly
younger people - are keen to create, by establishing blogs or individual spaces on sites like MySpace, or sharing photos or videos online.
Even clicking on a link is a creative act that can impact what other see or don’t see. Yet this is not just about a social divide. Everyone of us is
both a consumer and a creator. Finally today we have been given the power to create for others as well as to consume what we are given.
Strategic questions:
Are consumers or creators more valuable in your business model?
How can you encourage consumers to become creators?
Amazon pioniert weer
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Crossmedia als containerbegrip belangrijk voor grafische branche
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Philips zet in op interactieve media
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
over google
As Google reaches for a billion dimes, it is fostering an industry of a billion little businesses and developers…And by opening up select bit of these programs to outside software developers, Google Chief Schmidt thinks he can create a monster new computer industry, with Google at its core. “The number one goal is to build the most powerful platform to build these new businesses,” Schmidt says. “This area will be as rich as what we saw in PCs.”‘
Towards the last third of the story Quentin looks at APIs and mashups:
To many in the business, mashups are still a Hula Hoop, a game for kids. Not to Google’s Mark Lucovsky, who wrote much of Microsoft’s computer server software before leaving last year. Microsoft was sad to see him go. Lucovsky testified in court that, during his exit interview with Steven Ballmer, the Microsoft chief executive threw a chair across his office, vowing to “bury” Schmidt.Lucovsky’s main job at Google is to spur growth in mashups. At least 30,000 sites use Google Maps, using the programming hooks provided by Google. This, he says, is “hard-core real-time software development that no one has seen before.”
Say Cheese: Your brand in the picture
What I Learned About Apollo at FiTC Hollywood
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Day the Entire World Gets RSS
TECH: JQuery Ajax Library Updated
The JQuery Ajax library has been updated to v1.0.2 as of this evening. JQuery is a small, lightweight Ajax and DOM manipulation library that provides a wealth of features for building RIAs and enhancing your site with Web 2.0 functionality. You can find the updates here: Uncompressed JQuery v1.0.2 Compressed JQuery v1.0.2 Here's what John Resig, creator of JQuery, had to say about the release:
Over Hyves in het onderwijs
Generation Next - voor studenten en young professionals die vanuit hun studie en/of werk actief bezig zijn met nieuwe media
Monday, October 09, 2006
Broadcast Photos To Cable TV
Photoshow’s core offering is an online slide-show service. Users can create a slide show, adding photos, video clips, templates, music, transitions, captions and effects. I created a test slide show in a couple of minutes. It’s free, and registration is not required to create a slide show.
These shows can then be embedded into MySpace or any other website, or a link to the show can be sent from the service. Photoshow also allows users to buy a dvd version of the show. As far as basic tools to create slide show memories of vacations and other events, PhotoShow is top notch.
And then there is the broadcast-to-tv feature.
It’s currently available only to Time Warner cable subscribers in Hawaii. On October 18 the company will have an official launch party and announce expanded coverage of the service. Once it’s live, users can click a button and, once approved, add it to a local cable channel. This channel is menu driven - when viewers go to the site they can scroll through various topical categories and find slide shows that people have published to the channel. There’s no privacy for these shows, but the convenience factor for sharing these with people who want to view them on television is innovative. If Photoshow is successful in closing deals with local cable channels, this differentiating factor with competitors could make it a winner.
The company has raised $6.3 million from Venrock in August 2005. The company, which also sells a desktop version of the PhotoShow software, presented at DEMO two weeks ago (the video of the demo is available here). See Dan Farber’s recent coverage of the company as well.
Crunch Network: MobileCrunch Mobile Gadgets and Applications, Delivered Daily.
Sociale netwerken trekken steeds 'ouder' publiek
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Nieuw advertentienetwerk voor bloggers
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
How to Add Google Widgets to Your Blog
Google just released a new set of widgets that make it easy to integrate their in-line AJAX search tools into your Web site. Among the notable applications are instructions and a demo for TypePad blogs and another for Blogger weblogs. You can also roll these onto an intranet or your Google Personalized Home Page as well. More info here. Meanwhile, Google also made it a snap to add hundreds of home page gadgets to your social network page, blog or Web site.
Hack Day at Yahoo
Sounds like everyone had a great time at Yahoo!’s Hack Day. About 400 people spent 24 hours on the Yahoo! campus of not just hacking (as expected), but also an unannounced 90 minute performance from Beck. According to emcee Mike Arrington there were over 50 projects in the hacking competition and the winner was Blogging in Motion, a hardware-and-software mashup using a camera, a handbag, a pedometer, and the Flickr API in order to automatically blog photos every few steps.
Oh yes, and Yahoo! release two new APIs and announced a third:Browser Based Authentication or BBAuth: which is as they describe “a generic mechanism that will allow users to grant 3rd party web-based applications access their Yahoo! data…it possible to use Yahoo! as a single sign-on for your site, thus removing a barrier to entry for a whole lot of people (over 200 million to be exact).” Looks like a very useful service, somewhat similar to Google’s released earlier this year. More from Jeremy Zawodny and Dan TheurerYahoo! Photos API: This new API uses the “Enables Yahoo! users to access and manipulate their photos through third-party applications and devices. They can use Yahoo! Photos Web Services to upload photos, create and modify photos and albums, share photos with others, search photos, and more.” And it builds on the BBauth services above.Yahoo! Mail API: Announced but not yet released. Should be interesting.Congratulations to Chad and the folks from Yahoo!’s dev team on putting together an excellent event and to continuing to roll-out more useful APIs.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
KLM start meerdere business communities
Monday, October 02, 2006
Machinima is pas echt Cross Media
De afgelopen week stond op het prima evenement Picnic cross media centraal. Het hoogtepunt lag voor mij op vrijdagavond. De zakelijke kant van het evenement was al afgelopen. Samen met Jeroen Mirck bezocht ik Machinima Salon. Waar commercieel creatief Nederland wanhopig op zoek is naar de “heilige crossmediagraal”, lieten jonge mensen zien hoe je echt crossmediaal moet zijn. In een kleine zaaltje kwamen games, film, internet en muziek samen. start met internetjournaal
Controversial PayPerPost Raises $3 million
How to Create a "Blog Feeder"
The first step is to determine what newsy topics you want to track. In my case, it's a snap. I blog about social networks, social media, Wikipedia and more. I set up a bunch of searches on Google News for these topics using the "OR" value (e.g. digg OR youtube, etc.) Each search generates a feed, which I have added to a special tabbed section of my Google Personalized Home Page.
Next up, head on over to Technorati's Discover section. Here you will find mini meme trackers across dozens of subjects such as music, television, tech, politics and more. Each section has an RSS feed. Grab that and add it to your Blog Feeder.
Last but not least, add some other sites like digg and/or diggdotus and relvant feeds (each topic page has a feed link). That's all there is to it. Here's the result...
Social shopping
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Uitzendbureau Start toont vacatures via narrowcasting
TECH: 100 ActionScript 3 Tips and Tricks
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Profielsites samengebracht in internetadresboek
We Feel Fine is an exploration of human emotion on a global scale.
En zelfs nog beter er is zelfs een API :>
COOL: Dapper puts (and Matisyahu) on your calendar
Making Flash movies obey browser text size changes
Monday, September 25, 2006
Adobe Rolls Out Integrated PDF/Flash Products:
Google to Jump Head-First into the Long Tail of Commerce
TECH: Flex 2 BitmapData Tricks and Techniques
Most seasoned flash developers know that the Bitmap API has been around in the Flash player since the relase of FP8. Those that know all about the Bitmap API appreciate it for its many benefits... Those that don't know about it, trust me, you appreciate it too... you just don't know it. In Flex 2, you can take advantage of the Bitmap API to implement some very powerful and useful techniques that simply are not possible in non-Flash-based web applications. Some of you may be asking: What is the Bitmap API? The Bitmap API refers to the flash player's functionality
Friday, September 22, 2006
O'Neill gebruikt iPod skins als buzztool
Gepersonaliseerde skins voor de iPod als activatie instrument. O’Neill is de eerste adverteerder die hiermee aan de slag gaat. Consumenten in 36 landen kunnen hun gepersonaliseerde skins online bestellen en ontvangen deze per post gratis thuis. De skins worden ingezet om ‘buzz’ te genereren rond de herfst/winter collectie van O’Neill. Het idee is van IceMedia (bekend van de IceCards, de gratis visitekaartjes met reclame) dat ook de produktie verzorgt. De bestelomgeving ondersteunt verschillende iPod modellen en overigens ook mobiele telefoons.
TECH: I Have Seen Apollo and it is Awesome
Luis Pollanco presented during the session “Building Killer RIAs? Meet: Adobe’s Next-Gen Technology” today for Adobe Developer Week and gave demos of some Apollo applications that the team has been working on. All of the demo applications were built using Flex Builder. I assume they will have a recording up soon, but until then, enjoy some of the screenshots I took during the presentation: (click for bigger images)
AH-reclame in Den Bosch via Bluetooth
Friday, September 15, 2006
Zune Promises MySpace-like Connectivity
New Research Released on Blog Reach
dat de traditionele tv-commercial 'in de huidige vorm, dood, stervende, dan wel achterhaald is'
De denkbeelden van Jaffe mogen bekend worden verondersteld. De auteur van het geruchtmakende boek ‘Life after the 30 second spot’ stelt dat de traditionele tv-commercial ‘in de huidige vorm, dood, stervende, dan wel achterhaald is’. Die toelichting ‘’in de huidige vorm’’ is belangrijk, het is zeg maar zijn vrijkaartje uit de gevangenis waarmee hij discussies over het al dan niet ‘’dood’’ zijn van de commercial ontloopt. Zijn stelling is niet dat de commercial als zodanig dood is, wat hij wil zeggen is dat de huidige vorm raakt uitgewerkt. Derhalve zal de adverteerder op zoek moeten naar andere vormen van communiceren. Het is als met het kind dat op een dag ontdekt dat er veel meer kleurpotloden zijn dan alleen rood, groen en geel. Dat er zelfs dozen met kleurpotloden bestaan die vele schakeringen van een kleur bevatten. Met fraaie oneliners maakte hij de toehoorders duidelijk dat adverteerders zijn blijven hangen in hun traditionele gedrag door de consument om de oren te blijven slaan met tv-spots, ‘telkens opnieuw en opnieuw, dat noemen we de frequentie, totdat de effectiviteit van het medium totaal is gereduceerd.’
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
random images + random music = islands of consciousness
With the new flash player you can read sound spectrum data, with that data you can controle image blending/ filtering …
Monday, September 11, 2006
Check out Blogmusik Before It's Pulled off the Internet is a site that lets users search for songs and play them (streaming) immediately via a Flash player that looks like an iPod. Use does not require registration. However, if you create an account you can also save songs and create playlists. The library is quite extensive - I was listening to Eminem, R.E.M., Metallica and Frank Sinatra earlier this evening and it seemed to have just about everything I was searching for.I have the feeling, based on the fact that there is absolutely no information about any licensing deal or even basic company information, that this is an unauthorized use of copyrighted material. I suspect that the library is simply a very large music collection sitting on a server with a nice looking Flash UI tacked on. See the comments below for additional information. It certainly is fun, but I can’t imagine it will be making the RIAA and its worldwide counterparts very happy. Enjoy it while it lasts.The service has an associated blog here, and Myspace page here. Thank you Orli for emailing us about this.BlogmusikTags: techcrunch, web2.0, web_2.0, ipod, music, mp3, riaa
opkomst van de pop-up chatbox als ondersteuning bij online verkoop
Emerce opent eiland in Second Life
Emerce heeft een eiland in de virtuele wereld Second Life geopend. Op het eiland is de Rotterdamse Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, de lokatie...
Friday, September 08, 2006
Philips innoveert met lichtgevende mode
Philips herontdekt de gloeilamp. Beter gezegd: Philips stopt lampen in mode. Met Lumalive biedt het steeds ‘marketing wiser’ opererende concern T-shirts met lichtgevende opdruk. ‘Light-emitting textiles’, zo heette dat deze week op de technologiebeurs IFA. Perfect toepasbaar voor promotioneel gebruik, jubelt Philips zelf, maar de verslaggeefster van Netscape News plaatst terecht de kanttekening dat dit zich niet meteen direct leent voor een brede uitrol. Wel een leuk kijkje in de toekomst van licht en textiel. Ook de zitbank leent zich ervoor.
Social networking en brands
Social networking is een begrip wat je vaak tegenkomt in combinatie met internet. YouTube, Hyves, mySPace allemaal sites waar miljoenen mensen photo’s, video,s nieuws bekijken, uitwisselen en becommentariëren. Maar het fenomeen social networking beperkt zich niet tot de virtuele wereld ook in de echte wereld spelen merken op dit fenomeen in ..
Nokia Sensor
mobile social networking, profiel wat beschikbaar is voor andere gebruikers als je in de buurt bent van elkaar..
· Spontaneous social circles
· Your portable personality
· Instant communities and networks
· Free to download, free to use
· Free file sharing
stripe shifting system > streepjes die boodschap uitdragen
pakjes kauwgum met rode en groene kant, als je vanuit de rodekant geeft > not-single VS groen single ..
Een Plus-supermarkt in Almere heeft sinds kort speciale paarse winkelmandjes voor singles, zodat zij elkaar kunnen herkennen en zo nodig een date scoren.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Washington Post Plans Social Net for Readers
According to Colin Delany, is implementing reader comments on all news stories. You can see a sampling here. They're starting with less controversial topics and will expand to all stories once content filtering mechanisms are operational. The Post also allows you to request the removal of a comment that you find objectionable.
From there, the Post will encourage readers to create profile pages that aggregate all of his/her comments in a central place. This in essence turns the Post Web site into a social network for people who actively comment on the site.
Tags: washingtonpost, newspapers
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
V&D lanceert Ear & Eye
Ear & Eye. Zo heet de nieuwe formule voor home entertainment in warenhuis Vroom & Dreesmann. Die formule was nodig ook, want het warenhuis zat met een probleem: nog maar net was het niet goed lopende afdeling Electric City vervangen door een afdeling onder het label van zusterbedrijf Dixons, of datzelfde Dixons werd alweer verkocht door moederconcern Maxeda (voorheen Vendex/KBB, herinnert u zich onze discussie?). Er moest dus een nieuwe formule komen, en dat is Ear & Eye geworden. V&D Hilversum heeft morgen de primeur, waarn eind oktober ook de vestiging in Zeist volgt. 9/6/2006 1:14 PM
Read more Open in browser
H&M opent Nederlandse webwinkel
Vanaf vandaag is de Nederlandse webshop van H&M geopend. Op biedt het modeconcern een deel van zijn collectie, zo meldt de online uitvoering van thuiswinkelvakblad Twinkle. Wehkamp krijgt er daarmee een stevige concurrent bij. Binnenkort komt H&M ook met een catalogus die tweemaal per jaar moet verschijnen Opmerkelijk is dat Wehkamp juist is afgestapt van de halfjaarlijkse verschijningsfrequentie van de dikke catalogus. Wehkamp’s marketing directeur Pieter van Diepen liet indertijd in Adformatie weten dat dit besluit mede is ingegeven doordat de mode-industrie ttien tot twaalf keer per jaar met een nieuwe collectie komt, zodat een gids per half jaar niet actueel genoeg meer is.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Succes virals vooral bluf?
Maak goedkoop een verdomd goed filmpje. Stuur het naar een selectie gretige reclamefreaks en naar liefhebbers van je merk. Zorg voor wat opwinding op weblogs door te posten namens verzonnen populaire jongeren. Pleur het op Google Video, YouTube en vergelijkbare videovergaarders. Leun achterover en aanschouw de virale magie. Het recept is bekend, het vertrouwen erin groot, maar er is iets raars aan de hand met virals: ik moet ernaar zoeken.
wat is een mashup ...
“ Een mashup is een web 2.0 applicatie of website die gebruik maakt van content van een of meerdere bestaande applicaties om een nieuwe service te maken.. “
Wat het leuke van mashups is dat je bestaande data kan gebruiken om makkelijk je eigen applicaties te maken. Veel grote sites/ communities/ applicaties stellen deze content beschikbaar. Denk aan: foto’s van flickr, video’s van youtube, kaarten van Google, boeken van Amazon, muziek data (albums, artiesten) etc etc
Mashup gebruik makende van google earth allows you to create a custom google map your friends and internet buddies can add themselves too.
Lijst van mashups
Mocht iemand nu een leuk idee voor een mashup hebben? Nederlandse mashups zijn er nog vrij weinig, dus ….
Monday, September 04, 2006
Zijn nieuwe kranten de redding voor de krant?
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Advertisers have long known that sex sells
First up I need to say that this campaign is about as NSFW as it gets, so consider yourself duly warned! Advertisers have long known that sex sells. So French clothing company Shai has decided to put that theory to the test by launching their Summer 2006 clothing range as an (explicit) interactive video clothing catalogue.
The Shai Clothing’s Summer 2006 campaign makes extensive use of Flash video and starts off by allowing users to choose their preferred clothing preference (?) - heterosexual, homosexual, or lesbian. The catalogue then uses Flash video to display a couple of models engaged in some very steamy action wearing (or not) certain items of Shai’s Summer 2006 collection. Rolling the cursor over a piece of apparel in the movie stops the onscreen action to reveal a catalogue chart with price and size information.
Turn Your iPod into the Ultimate PowerPoint Accessory
This is the second in my series of posts on various gear that I find useful.
Many readers of this blog work in PR or marketing or for Web 2.0 related start-ups. This means you spend a lot of time preparing presentations in either Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple's Keynote. What's more, you probably also invest hours rehearsing and traveling to and from various meetings. Oh and if I were a betting man I'd say you carry an iPod. Well, whether you are on Windows or Mac with a few simple steps you can turn your iPod (even an older one) into the ultimate PowerPoint accessory. I am going to focus on PowerPoint here since it's what most people use. The process is similar for Keynote.
Getting Your Preso on Your iPod
First, you need to get your PowerPoint presentation on to your iPod. This is a snap. Head on over to ZappTek and download iPresent It. It's now available on both Windows and Mac (It was previously only available for Macs). iPresent It will take any PowerPoint or PDF file and convert it into a series of images that can be viewed as a slideshow on an iPod. It supports file tracking so you can easily update your slideshows whenever you make changes to a presentation. I have been testing the software and it works perfectly. iPresent It runs $17.95. Apple explains how to get these images on your iPod.
Using Your iPod to Rehearse Now that you have your presentation on your iPod you need to rehearse. The iPod has everything you need to rehearse while you're on the go. This works best on either the latest fifth generation iPod or on the iPod Nano (though it's hard to see slide text on the latter). Simply navigate to the Stopwatch feature on your iPod and start the timer. Then, while the timer is still running navigate back to the Photos menu on your iPod, find your slide show and click it. You can run through the slides one by one or even run it as a slideshow complete with slide-to-slide builds. You can even keep music running in the background whhile you rehearse.
Hooking Your iPod Up to a Projector
Last but not least, it's actually possible to connect your iPod to a projector or a TV and run your presentation right off the device. I would test this out on different projectors before flying sans computer. This won't work with the iPod Nano. You also need either the Apple AV Connection Kit or their AV Cable to hook your iPod up to your projector. Presentation Zen (one of my favorite blogs) shows how nicely this works.
That's all there is to turing your iPod into the ultimate PowerPoint accessory.
A Case Study in How Blogs Attract Media Coverage + get more people talking about your product
Eric Sink has a great post about how to get more people talking about your product. He says: a) find a very small group of people that share common interests and b) build a product that 100% of them will love.Sounds simple enough. However, if you already have a product that you need to promote and it doesn't fit this bill, then you need to get a bit more creative. Think about empowering these individuals to find and connect with each other (and you) so they can maximize the use of the product and contribute to the next iteration.
Monday, August 28, 2006
brands op mystery land
FOTO SHOP Bij de HP Photoprintshop konden bezoekers eigen foto’s vanaf mobile & camera en door HP teams gemaakte foto’s laten printen. Dit vond gretig aftrek niet in de laatste plaats omdat men de foto’s op fotopapier van zware kwaliteit meekreeg. Ondanks de rijen was de afhandeling vlot: inpluggen, overzetten, printen, gaan. Minpunt was dat de stand commercieel gezien zwaar over the top was. Er was, hoe raar het ook klinkt, te veel budget in de stand gestoken waardoor het een wat opdringerige uitstraling kreeg.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Schoolbank en Hyves populairste netwerksites
AMSTERDAM - Zestig procent van de Nederlanders maakt gebruik van een digitaal sociaal netwerk, zo blijkt uit onderzoek van De Telefoongids. is het populairst onder de sociale netwerken, maar liefst twee op de vijf Nederlanders maakt hier gebruik van. volgt met 17 procent.
Virtual "Firsts" from Second Life
Five Ways to Be a Better Info Junkie with
Although it doesn't get the attention it probably deserves, is perhaps one of the world's most useful sites. It is easily one of my favorites. Every PR person and news junkie on the planet should be using Topix.
Unlike Google News and Yahoo News, Topix does more than search news and blogs. It sifts and sorts all of this content into distinct topical pages. In addition, Topix recently added some killer features that make it even more invaluable. You can view a full year's worth of blog and news results and track trends with charts too. Here's a round-up of my favorite tips. (Footnote: Topix was a client of mine in my last gig, but I have no affiliation with them today.)
- 1) Track the Big Memes of the DayMemeorandum and Tailrank are good tools for tracking the blog issues du jour, but did you know that Topix has its own memetracker? What I like about it is that it's broad and it can be sorted by date, not just by size of story.
- 2) Deep Dive Within a Single Blog or News SiteTopix tracks a smaller universe of blogs than say Technorati or Google Blog Search. They tend to focus on the larger ones. However, using the site you can create a very narrow search for the terms you care about. Even better, the search will generate a feed. So, if you only care when TechCrunch writes about digg and Netscape, you can create a feed that will deliver only these results. You can also create a similar search within a single news source. For example, here's an index of all Google mentions in the Washington Post over the last year. This search too generates a feed and a chart that you can drill down by date.
- 3) Get the Local Angle on a StoryAll news is local right? So, naturally, you might want to know how a story is playing out in your neck of the woods. Using Topix's powerful advanced capabilities, you can create a customized local search within a single market. For example, here's all news and blog mentions from Manhattan about the World Trade Center. Or, here's how Iraq is playing out in the Washington, DC area. You can compare it in volume to the coverage in Chicago or Peoria.
- 4) Track Individual Companies, Celebs or Sports has more than 300,000 category pages. Many of these are invaluable. And remember, each has its own RSS feed. So you can track thousands of companies and celebrities, specific movies (even old ones like Mission Impossible), individual baseball or football players and so much more.
- 5) Pull it All Together with the Ultimate AdvancedLast but not least you can pull these techniques together to your advantage. Let's say I want to track how the Mel Gibson/anti-semitic story ins playing out in the LA Times. Easy. First, I search Topix to find the Mel Gibson page. I copy the end of the URL (who/mel-gibson). Then I browse over to Topix's advanced search and set up the following search: jews cat:who/mel-gibson (see screen grab below). The result, yup, my own customized search and RSS feed. You can chart the coverage over time too.
Branded content minder populair
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Adidas en Toyota uit startblokken in Second Life
eDay in Second Life, developers gezocht
Emerce eDay zal uitvoerig aandacht besteden aan Second Life, de virtuele 3D omgeving die snel aan populariteit wint. Second Life-topman...
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Hugo Boss launches their new eMagazine
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
A blog can work for a business
A blog can work for a businessMore businesses these days are trying to figure out how -- or whether -- to embrace blogging as a new way to reach customers
Study: Blogging Begets Media Coverage, TrafficAccording to a new study by Porter Novelli and Cymfony 76 percent of corporations that blog have seen a direct spike in Web traffic and related media coverage. Additionally, some 42 percent said at least one post on their blog has affected the company or brand, in most cases in a positive way. The study also found that 63 percent of the companies surveyed said they had to blog because of a perceived
MARKETING: Infiltreren in blogs / scoort best in TvM-onderzoek
DELL blogDell Starts Corporate Blog, But Fails to Address Critical Issues
Drop-offwinkel WePaYou opent 600 afleverpunten
Friday, August 11, 2006
Nokia mikt op social network via de mobiele telefoon
Nokia introduceert nieuwe software voor mobiele telefoons waarmee het bedrijf hoopt een social network onder bezitters van mobiele telefoons te creëeren.
De software heet Nokia Sensor. Het programmaatje maakt gebruik van Bluetooth om de omgeving te scannen. Als iemand in de buurt (maximaal 10 meter verwijderd) ook Nokia Sensor heeft geinstalleerd, kan de gebruiker gegevens opvragen over deze persoon. Die gegevens zijn eerder ingevoerd door de gebruiker en vormen een soort persoonlijk profiel. Het geheel doet een beetje denken aan social community websites zoals en Frienster.
Volgens Nokia is de software bedoeld als "spontane, gezellige toepassing voor spontane, gezellige mensen". Eerder al is er vergelijkbare software op de markt verschenen, maar dan met als doel dating . Het betreft het Franse programma Proxidating, en zorgt ervoor dat de mobiele telefoon continu scant naar andere telefoons met hierop het programmaatje. Als het gevonden profiel voldoet aan de wensen geeft de telefoon bericht dat een geschikte 'date' in de buurt is.
De Nokia Sensor is beschikbaar voor een aantal Nokia-telefoons, zoals de 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682 en 7610.
Third Party Flickr Tools
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
De Amsterdamse Bijenkorf tovert een virtuele wereld in haar etalage tevoorschijn
Vier karakters verschijnen in de etalage die cartoonachtig aandoet. Door filmische effecten veranderen de virtuele etalagepoppen in een angstaanjagende Beastman, Spideronic, Flame of Flare Hero. Een Coverup-superheld zorgt voor de komische noot.
CityScape Media leverde de technologie voor deze allereerste virtuele etalage van Europa.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Politie roept hulp MSN in
AMSTERDAM - De Amsterdamse politie gaat MSN gebruiken voor het oplossen van misdrijven en het opsporen van vermiste tieners. Het politiekorps zal het populaire chatprogramma voornamelijk gebruiken om zaken op te lossen die de jeugd aangaan. Dat meldt De Telegraaf dinsdag.
YouTube's Share of Traffic Larger than MySpace
Adverteren wordt steeds persoonlijker
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Er hangt een man aan de muur
In Rotterdam te zien wat in Amsterdam niet mocht: een bewegende 3D spectacular aan de gevel van een winkelpand op het Binnenwegplein. Op het geveldoek van BlowUp Media is een levensechte straatmuzikant bevestigd die de hele dag muziek speelt. Een idee van Grey voor Nokia, in het kader van de introductie van het nieuwe mobieltje de N3250. De telefoon heeft een geheugenkaart waarop 350 songs kunnen worden opgeslagen.
Grolsch met eigen televisiekanaal (update)
Grolsch start met een televisiekanaal. Het kanaal is te zien via en maakt deel uit van het digitale tv-pakket van Tele2....
AdScreens met interactieve narrowcastingmodule
What the Crowd Loves and Hates
Friday, July 28, 2006
Mobieltjes worden digi-gids voor Lowlands-bezoekers
Best Global Brands 2006: Philips stijgt, Heineken zakt weg
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Summer snacks voor nieuwe inspiratie
Na een lange afwezigheid is 'Computerlove' weer terug online en ook nu
weer garant voor kwaliteit, goede inspiratie en design links:
Als je toch in Copenhagen bent, ga eens langs Gallery Asbråk. DUNNY
SHOW COPENHAGEN. Art meets Culture.
Het werk van Gary Fernandez van Dgraphix is zeker een kijkje waard.
Mooi werk van een multidisciplinary design studio uit Madrid.
Wie kent ze niet, Antoine et Manuel:
Voor de mode liefhebbers onder ons:
Met vriendelijke
Mikis Raoul Pattinama
Willen vrouwen geëntertaind worden?
Friday, July 21, 2006
Blogger Motivations Shifting Towards Expression
Blogger Motivations Shifting Towards Expression
A new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project details the primary motivations among those who blog and who they are.
Some 77 percent of bloggers are primarily driven by expression, Pew found. More than 40 percent said they never quote sources or other media directly and a scant 34 percent see what they do as journalism. Finally, 54 percent of bloggers are under age 30 and overall we're evenly divided between men and women.
As Reuters correctly notes, the research demonstrates that blogging is moving more mainstream, thanks to the surging interest in social network/blog hybrid sites such as MySpace and LiveJournal (MySpace is an Edelman client).
Regardless of what the research says, even if citizen journalism does not drive the majority of bloggers, those who do "practice" it are certainly influencing the mainstream media in a big way. If the blogopshere doesn't add another citizen journalist, it will always help shape what the mainstream media covers.
Nevertheless, it does have ramifications for PR. This means that the smaller universe of bloggers who do break and/or comment on news will bear the brunt of pitches from the public relations community. The online media is dividing into three strata - the mainstream media, news blogs and expressionist blogs. The first two categories are where the PR community should focus.
design & marketing RSS blogs
Algemene marketing blog met veeeel rss
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
XS4ALL lanceert wikisites voor abonnees
AMSTERDAM - In navolging van onder meer de VPRO en uiteraard Wikipedia springt ook XS4ALL in de hype van de wiki's. Abonnees kunnen niet alleen informatie bekijken, maar ook wijzigen en aanvullen.
Grote ballen
Hoe krijg je mannen zover hun testikels te controleren op kanker? Misschien een wat gekke vraag, maar gelukkig heeft het Britse bureau Delaney Lund Knox Warren
Monday, July 17, 2006
MARKETING: Infiltreren in blogs / scoort best in TvM-onderzoek
Bijna de helft van de Nederlandse marketeers, 45 pct, komt nooit op een blog, maar als hij/zij marketingsites én blogs wel bezoekt, dan staat bovenaan de lijst van populairste sites. Daarna volgt Marketing.Online van TvM.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Street Art & Urban Painting
08/07/2006 t/m 08/10/2006
Het GEM nodigt vijftien in Nederland werkende kunstenaars uit voor
Dutch Masters – Street Art & Urban Painting, de eerste museale
tentoonstelling op dit gebied in Nederland.
Canadees ruilt paperclip voor huis
Canadees ruilt paperclip voor huis
MONTREAL - Een 26-jarige Quebeckenaar is erin geslaagd een huis te
verwerven in ruil voor een paperclip, na een serie van veertien
aaneengeschakelde ruiloperaties via internet in net iets minder dan
een jaar.
Op 12 juli 2005 bood Kyle MacDonald op zijn blog een rode paperclip
aan in ruil voor een potlood. Het potlood ruilde hij in voor een
fraai vormgegeven deurknop, die wederom van eigenaar veranderde voor
een oven. Die ruilde hij in voor achtereenvolgens een generator, een
platencontract, een skivakantie, een bestelauto, een namiddag met
zanger Alice Cooper en een rol in de Hollywood-film Donna on Demand.
Die filmrol ruilde hij met de gemeente Kipling voor een huis met twee
verdiepingen, waar MacDonald binnenkort met zijn verloofde gaat
wonen. De gemeente wil de filmrol veilen in het kader van een
promotiecampagne. (ANP)
© Het Parool, 12-07-2006, 08:45 uur
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
MySpace hit #1 US destination last week, Hitwise
Hitwise is reporting that MySpace was the website most visited by US internet users last week.
This is the first time that’s happened, the company reports. Yahoo and Google traditionally lead the pack, but Hitwise’s Bill Tancer points out today that MySpace attained a market share figure of 4.5?f all the US Internet visits for the week ending July 8, 2006. Though traffic stats are always hard to determine, Hitwise is establishing itself as one of the most authoritative voices on the subject.Recent numbers for MySpace put the service at 75 million plus users, 15 million daily unique logins, 240,000 new users per day, and nearly 30 billion monthly page views - that’s 10,593 page views per second.Perhaps what this means is that for many young people, the social web isn’t a seperate place it’s the web. Once MySpace teams with a powerful search engine, goes multilingual (if that works) and continues expanding into new verticals like the new Books section - then we’ll see if building on the basic social functions the site is famous for will make it stronger. Child safety issues, malware - so much remains to be seen. MySpaceTags: TechCrunch, Web2.0, MySpace